Zoho to GA4 Overview

The main function of this extension is to send events to Google Analytics 4. Zoho to GA4 allows you to send stats on closed deals from Zoho as events, allowing you to see deals closed by your sales team in Google Analytics. Installation Guide Install our GA Connector Extension Our extension contains the field “Google Analytics […]

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Troubleshooting Zoho CRM and Google Analytics data discrepancy

In some cases, there can be a discrepancy between Zoho CRM and Google Analytics data. In this article, we’ll describe the ways to troubleshoot this and find out if the problem is in the way Zoho CRM and GA present data, or if there’s an actual discrepancy. This article will focus on troubleshooting “Zoho CRM Lead Created” […]

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What to do if Zoho CRM extension can’t be installed?

You may see an error during the installation of the extension: Or other times, you may just see a blank screen like this: Zoho CRM Extension installation error #2 (blank screen)   In other experience, there are two reasons why this could happen: 1. You’re using Zoho CRM Free edition. How to check your Zoho CRM […]

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Troubleshooting guide for Zoho CRM => GA extension

This guide will help you troubleshoot a situation when you don’t see any Zoho-related events in Google Analytics -> Behavior -> Overview -> view full report (in the bottom left). Open Zoho – Leads, and create a new Lead. Set “GA Client ID” to “111”. Then hit “Save”. Right after you complete step #2, go […]

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Save Google Analytics Client ID cookie to Zoho CRM

Overview In order to send offline sales stats from Zoho CRM to Google Analytics, we need to know which lead/account/opportunity/booking belongs to which website visitor in Google Analytics. This can be achieved by saving the ID of each website visitor to Zoho CRM during the form submission. This ID (Google Analytics Client ID, or GA CID) should […]

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Find out which Zoho CRM Edition your company is using

The full bi-directional version of GA Connector is available for Zoho CRM Professional Edition or higher. To find out which Edition your company is using: 1. Go to your Zoho CRM account. 2. Click on the tools button on the top right: Screenshot 1 3. Click “Subscription” and a page like this will open: Screenshot […]

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