With CRM-to-GA integration, you’ll be able to use the advanced Google Analytics reports with revenue data (e.g. multi-channel attribution reports).
The purpose of CRM-to-GA integration is the same as GA-to-CRM: to show you the ROI of your marketing campaigns. But CRM-to-GA allows you to see the ROI data in Google Analytics reports that have certain features that CRM reports don’t provide (e.g. multi-channel attribution reports).
Although GA Connector doesn’t send offline conversions directly to Adwords, it’s possible to use it for this purpose.
Just follow the steps below:
- Import CRM data to Google Analytics with GA Connector.
- Link your Adwords and Analytics accounts:
https://support.google.com/analytics/answer/1033961?hl=en - Import CRM-related goals from Analytics to Adwords.
The problem looks like this:
Why this happens
According to the Google Analytics documentation article What the value (not set) means:
If you see (not set) as a value for Landing Page, this is generally due to a session with no page or screen view level hits included.
Which is exactly what happens when you install GA Connector:
- GA Connector sends events from the CRM to Google Analytics.
- These events are grouped into sessions. You can read more about this here.
- These sessions don’t contain any page views (because there were none), which is why you see more (not set) page views.
It is possible to import Analytics goals and transactions into Google Ads Conversion Tracking.
To import your goals and Ecommerce transactions from Analytics into Google Ads Conversion Tracking, the following conditions must apply:
- Your Analytics and Google Ads accounts are linked.
- You’ve enabled auto-tagging in your Google Ads account. Note: If you are using the auto-tagging override setting in Analytics, you can still import goals and transactions into Google Ads for those clicks.
- On a per-type basis, your Analytics goal or transaction has received active traffic from an ad at some point.
To import your goals:
- Sign in to your Google Ads account, and click the Tools, billing, and settings icon in the header. Note: If you just recently linked your Google Ads and Analytics accounts, wait 30 minutes before starting to import goals or transactions.
- Click Measurement > Conversions.
- Click
- Click Import, select Google Analytics, then click CONTINUE.
- Select each goal or transaction you want to import, then click IMPORT AND CONTINUE.
- Click DONE.
Google Ads Conversion Tracking starts importing the data from your Analytics account starting from the day you clicked Import. Historical data from before this date is not added to conversion tracking. Your goals appear alongside your conversion data in your Conversions page and Google Ads reports within two days.
You can read more about this here.
Potential Amount is only sent when the Potential has Probability=100%.
By default, Probability becomes 100% when the Stage of this Potential becomes “Closed Won”.
Only when Probability becomes 100%, GA Connector sends Potential Amount to Google Analytics.
Right now, GA Connector doesn’t push CRM data to Google Analytics Ecommerce transactions. It can only send data as goals and customer dimensions&metrics polska-ed.com.
So unfortunately, GA Connector doesn’t support Ecommerce Reports right now.
There are a few reasons GA Connector fields may not appear in Zoho CRM layout. Here is how you can troubleshoot this:
1. Make sure that GA Connector Fields extension is installed
The extension should appear in Zoho CRM – Setup – Marketplace – All.
2. Make sure that the extension is installed for all users (not just admins).
If you have installed the extension for Admins only, the fields will appear for Admins only. You need to re-install the extension, you can do it by clicking on this link, make sure you install it for All Users.
Note: Unfortunately, the GA Connector data that you already have will be deleted.
3. Make sure that GA fields are added to the layout
They shouldn’t be in “Unused fields”. You can do it in Zoho CRM – Setup – Customization – Modules and fields – Leads – Standard (or your custom layout).
Your layout should look something like this:
4. Make sure that all GA Connector fields have “Read and write” permissions
You can do it in Zoho CRM – Setup – Modules and Fields – Leads – Fields – Field Permissions.
Correct permissions should look something like this:
Even if your sales cycle is very long (e.g. 12+ months), GA Connector can still save and attribute CRM data about the sale correctly.
Many customers ask us what happens if the conversion happened 90+ days after the last visit because 90 days is an important milestone for Google Analytics and Adwords.
And there are a couple caveats in such cases:
- If your Google Analytics is connected to your Adwords account, and you export your Analytics conversions to Analytics, Adwords won’t be able to attribute this conversion.
- Last click source/medium of such offline conversion would be (direct)/(none), no matter where the user came from (that’s just how Google Analytics last non-direct click algorithm works). First click source/medium would be correct though, so you’ll still know that source that originally brought user to your website. Plus, all intermediary traffic source will be available in the multi-channel GA reports.
You can use GA Connector Visitor Source Tracking module to save first, last and all intermediary source inside the CRM, so you don’t need to rely on Google Analytics for attribution.
Yes, certainly. You can use CRM data will all attribution models available in Google Analytics.
No, there are no limitations.
During the free trial, you get a fully working version of GA Connector, just for a limited time.
Long sales cycles aren’t a problem. Even if the cookie has expired on the website, it’s already captured inside the CRM.
This means that even if the information about the sale is sent in two years after the conversion, GA Connector will still send the data to Analytics. And Analytics will still display this sale inside its reports.
GA Connector sends CRM information to Analytics mostly as goals and dimensions, which can be displayed in:
- almost every standard report, including Source/medium, Landing pages, Campaigns etc, and even Multi-channel reports;
- you can use CRM data sent by GA Connector in custom reports as well.
You will be able to use CRM data just the way you’re using other goals in Google Analytics.
Sometimes your Zoho CRM data may not match your Google Analytics data.
Here are the possible reasons for this:
1) Because of the time difference between Zoho and GA accounts, sometimes there is a one-day delay. For example, an account can be created in Zoho on the 1st of September, but it’s displayed in GA as if it was created on the 2nd of September.
2) Account-specific problem: some of your accounts already exist when the leads are converted. Let’s say that you have an account that was created on the 1st of August. Then, on the 1st of September, this lead is converted. But the way your Zoho CRM is set up, a new account is not actually created – it’s modified. Nevertheless, an “Account Created” event is still sent to Google Analytics. The problem is, its created date is the 1st of August (1st of September is its *modified* date). Therefore, when you compare the number of accounts in Zoho and Google Analytics for a certain date, you’ll see a difference (you’ll be one account short in Zoho CRM).
3) There is some kind of bug in the GA Connector extension. Please refer to our troubleshooting guide to give our development team the necessary information to spot them.