Add Google Analytics data to Acuity Scheduling with GA Connector’s Acuity Scheduling integration.


  • Installed either the GA Connector WordPress plugin or GA Connector script on your website

 Create GA Connector fields in Acuity Scheduling

  1. On your Acuity dashboard go to Intake Form Questions and create a New Custom Form
  2. Check the option “Internal Use Only”
  3. Add a textbox for each GA Connector field that you want to track. For a full list of GA Connector fields that you can add, please see this article. Take note of the GA Connector Input ID of each field that you add because we’ll be needing these IDs later in the next step.

Build custom script for your form

  1. Modify the code below and change the fieldMapping variable so that the key-value pair is the GA Connector input and the Field ID of the field that you have created. (You can find out how to get the field ID of the custom fields on the instructions below this one)

    Example: You have added: Last Click Channel, Last Click Source, and Last Click Landing Page on your form. The fieldMapping value should be:
  2. Install the whole code on your website, this must be placed right after your Acuity Scheduling embed code.

How to Get the Field ID of the Custom Fields

  1. After creating GA Connector textboxes on your custom form, right-click on the created text box and select Inspect. The field ID is the value of the name attribute which usually starts with “field:”. (See Image below)

After adding the code to your website, submissions to your Acuity Scheduling form should now contain tracking information, you can check this on either the notification email that Acuity Scheduling will send or on the Acuity Scheduling dashboard.

More than just UTM parameters

GA Connector adds UTM information, geolocation, referral information to your Acuity Scheduling leads.

See below for all the information that you can add to your leads to help you find out which of your marketing activities drive sales.

LabelInput IDLabelInput ID
All Traffic Sources all_traffic_sourcesLast Click Campaignlc_campaign
BrowserbrowserLast Click Channellc_channel
City (from IP address)cityLast Click Contentlc_content
Country (from IP address)countryLast Click Landing Pagelc_landing
First Click Campaignfc_campaignLast Click Mediumlc_medium
First Click Channelfc_channelLast Click Referrerlc_referrer
First Click Contentfc_contentLast Click Sourcelc_source
First Click Landing Pagefc_landingLast Click Termlc_term
First Click Medium fc_mediumLast Click Timestamplc_timestamp
First Click Referrerfc_referrerLongitudelongitude
First Click Sourcefc_sourceLatitudelatitude
First Click Termfc_termNumber of Website Visitspage_visits
First Click Timestampfc_timestampOperating SystemOS
Google Analytics CIDGA_Client_IDDevicedevice
Google Analytics Measurement IDGA_Measurement_IDRegionregion
Google Analytics Session IDGA_Session_IDPages Visited pages_visited_list
Google Click IdentifiergclidTime Spent on Website time_passed
IP Addressip_addressTime Zone time_zone