Here are some of the major differences between Bizible and GA Connector:

  1. Bizible is a lot more expensive than GA Connector – starts at $1’500/month. While GA Connector is a lot more affordable (pricing starts at $97/month).
  2. GA Connector is a much smaller & simpler tool than Bizible. GA Connector gives you a simple solution to the marketing attribution problem, while providing the same data that you could get with Bizible (First Marketing Touch. Last Marketing Touch. Full Path. Landing Pages. Referral traffic).
  3. Bizible doesn’t send your revenue data from Salesforce to Google Analytics. It has its own multi-channel attribution engine that substitutes GA though. But if you already like and use Google Analytics a lot, and don’t want to invest in training people to use Bizible instead of GA, GA Connector is the way to go.