This article will show you how to build reports like this one:

Custom Google Analytics report with imported CRM data
Custom Google Analytics report with imported CRM data

Having custom reports of site data that means the most to you can help you improve your business, drive more leads, and convert more customers. In this article, we’ll show you how to create custom reports in Google Analytics.

  1. Create a New Custom Report by going to Customization > Custom Reports > New Custom Report

  2. Add a name for the Custom report.

    Each Google Analytics custom report has one tab, though you can add more if you want. For our example, we’ll stick with one tab and keep the default name Report Tab.
    Choose between three report types:
    Explorer: This is the standard Google Analytics report. It includes a line graph and a data table with dynamic things like a search and sort option, and secondary dimensions.
    Flat Table: This custom report is static and has a sortable table that shows data in rows.
    Map Overlay: This report type shows you a map of the world including regions and countries in darker colors when there is traffic or site engagement.

    For our example, we’ll choose the standard report type Explorer.

  3. Define the Custom Report Metrics

    The metrics options you have to choose from will be different depending on which custom report type you chose. However, no matter which report type you picked, the metrics you define will determine which data to include in your custom report.For our custom report, we’ll choose the Salesforce lead created. To do this, click on + add metric, search for the metric you want to add, and click on it. In our example we have used these metrics:

    • Session
    • New Users
    • Salesforce Leads Created ( Goal Completions)
    • Salesforce Opportunity Created ( Goal Completions )
    • Salesforce Opportunity Closed Won ( Goal Completions )
    • Salesforce Opportunity Amount ( Goal Value )

  4. Add a dimension

    If you want to break down your metrics a little more, you can also add dimensions. For instance, click on the + add dimension box and break down the metrics to get more defined data about the activity on your website. In our example we have used: Select Source/Medium from the list.

  5. Add a filter (optional)

    The last step is to add a filter to your custom report if you want to. Filters let you restrict the data that shows on your custom report.

  6. This is how it should look like before your click Save:

Note: If you are using Zoho you might have different goals. Also, this is just an example on how to create the report, you can add different Dimensions or Metrics in your report.

And that’s it! You now know how to create custom reports in Google Analytics. All you have to do is click Save and your custom report will be ready to go.

Once you click save, you’ll automatically see your custom report data.