Do you actually need this Salesforce & Google Adwords integration?
If you’re spending any significant amount of money with Adwords, then the answer is a resounding yes! Salesforce and Google Adwords integration will boost sales driven by your Adwords and other marketing campaigns. Used correctly, sales will skyrocket.
Why does this integration make a difference? Because it’s crucial to know the ROI of each of your campaigns, ad groups, and keywords. Otherwise, you’re just flying blind, not knowing whether you should increase your ad spend or stop your campaigns.
That’s where a Salesforce and Google Adwords integration comes into play.
Without this connection, it’s pretty much impossible to tell whether your Adwords campaigns have any real impact on sales.
And when your Salesforce CRM is integrated with Adwords, you can build amazing reports that help you answer questions like:
- Does Adwords bring positive ROI?
- Which of your campaigns is the most profitable?
- Which keywords and ad groups should you turn off or improve, and which should you should invest more in?
What reports can you build after integrating Google Adwords with Salesforce?
In a nutshell, the Google Adwords connection with Salesforce allows you to build two types of reports.:
1. Salesforce reports and dashboards with Google Analytics data in them. For example, this dashboard allows you to see how many closed won Salesforce opportunities originated from each Adwords campaign:
2. Google Adwords reports in Google Analytics with Salesforce information in them. For example, this report shows how much revenue was generated from each Adwords campaign:
You can also utilize powerful Google Analytics multi-channel attribution reports to look at the impact of online marketing on sales from different angles:
The best way to connect Google Adwords with Salesforce
There are a few methods for implementing this connection, but we consider GA Connector to be the best one. Here’s why:
- With GA Connector, the connection is seamless. You don’t need to import anything manually.
- GA Connector allows you to see Adwords data in Salesforce, and combine Salesforce & Adwords data in a powerful Google Analytics report. Hell, you can even plug in your favorite BI tool to see all your data there.
GA Connector integrates with Salesforce Leads, Contacts, Accounts, Opportunities, Products, Campaigns, Events and even custom objects. It allows to import information about Adwords campaigns, ads groups, keyword and more — right into your Salesforce account:

Google Ads data in Salesforce Leads
How to implement this integration
- Connect Google Adwords and Google Analytics if you haven’t yet.
- Go to GA Connector website and sign up for a free 30-day trial.
- Select Salesforce as your CRM and follow the instructions.
This will connect all three systems: Adwords <–> Analytics <–> Salesforce. You’ll be able to see Adwords data in Salesforce (as well as a combined Adwords & Salesforce report in Analytics).
Any questions about this integration or implementing it? Feel free to contact us.