The main function of this add-on is to send events to Google Analytics. Hubspot to GA4 allows you to send stats on closed deals from Hubspot as events, allowing you to see deals closed by your sales team in Google Analytics.

Installation Guide

  1. Authorize the GA Connector app in Hubspot.
    The GA Connector app automatically creates the custom fields that is need for the integration. The new custom fields created are: GA Client ID, GA Measurement ID and GA Session ID. These fields are added to both your Contacts and Deals Objects.
  2. Configure your web forms to save the Google Analytics Client ID and Session ID
    Now that you have the custom field added to your objects, you’ll need to configure your web forms to save the GA Client ID (Google Analytics Client ID), Measurement ID and Session ID of your web visitors to this field. Depending on what form you are using, there are different methods of retrieving the Google Analytics Client ID.
  3. Connect your GA4 Property
    Go to your CRM-to-GA Integration Configuration page add your GA4 property. At the preferences section, set it to Active.

Hubspot to GA4 Standard Events

GA Connector comes with a built-in set of data points from standard objects that it automatically sends from Hubspot to Google Analytics, such as:

Data PointEvent sent to GA4Parameter name sent to GA4
When a Contact is created hubspot_contact_createdn/a
When a Deal is createdhubspot_deal_createdn/a
When a Deal's Amount is updatedhubspot_deal_amount_updated
(sends the amount value to GA4)
When a Deal's stage is updatedhubspot_deal_stage_updated
(sends the stage value to GA4)
When a Deal is closed wonhubspot_deal_closed_won
(sends the amount value to GA4)

To use these custom events on your GA reports, you need to set them as custom dimensions.