Marketing agencies are one of those businesses with long sales cycles, where you can’t just configure Google Analytics to track the final proposals to clients and revenue.

Because everything beyond submitting the lead form on the website, happens outside the website. Everything that happens to the lead after they leave the website, is only recorded in the CRM.

Kind of a bummer! When you’re able to do complex attribution and track every tiny little thing in your clients’ funnels… but not in your own!

“If it was an e-commerce, like a Shopify store, it’d be so easy to track the ROAS!” – Matthew Carter, the founder of Atomic Digital Marketing remarks.

“Up until recently, we had no idea where our paying customers came from. We got a general idea of where they come from, but not specifically.”

Here’s Where GA Connector Comes In

After installing GA Connector and starting to track their leads, Atomic Digital Marketing team was able to build dashboards that show them exactly where their leads and sales come from. Dashboard like this one:

“It’s just been an absolute God-send really to be able to learn where the marketing dollars are going and what channels are bringing in the money.”

“We’re now able to track profits and revenues from particular sources. Because obviously, it is difficult to get that information into Facebook and google. So, therefore, we have to do it in a CRM because it’s not e-commerce.”

“I think that’s the biggest benefit for us is realizing where the deals come from, how much each deal is worth, and what’s the ROAS on the back-end. We’re also able to create dashboards for each marketing channel, so we can see everything at the source/medium and campaign level.”

Matthew Carter
Founder of Atomic Digital Marketing