At GA Connector, we’re proud to share the success story of NetReputation, America’s largest online reputation management company. This case study highlights how GA Connector significantly enhanced their marketing strategies and decision-making processes.


It’s hard to say how much exactly the data from GA Connector helped us save, but it’s in the millions of dollars.

Sergey Boychuk, Chief Information Officer at


About NetReputation

NetReputation is an expert in online reputation management, offering tailored solutions to improve and protect personal and brand reputations online.




The Challenge: Tracking Lead Sources

NetReputation faced challenges in tracking comprehensive lead sources, understanding traffic origins, and analyzing keyword performance. Their existing tools, including Zoho’s SalesIQ, provided limited insights, hindering their marketing optimization efforts.

How GA Connector Made the Difference for NetReputation

  1. Detailed Lead Source Tracking: GA Connector enabled a full view of lead origins, filling the data gaps left by other tools.
  2. Strategic Marketing Adjustments: With enhanced data, NetReputation could refine their advertising approaches, leading to better ROAs and reduced marketing costs.
  3. Efficient Multi-Channel Tracking: Operating various niche websites, NetReputation utilized GA Connector to effectively manage leads across different digital platforms.

Transformative Results

  • Data-Driven Marketing Success: The integration of GA Connector allowed NetReputation to accurately track and analyze paid campaign and keyword effectiveness, translating into a significant ROI.
  • Refined Referral Traffic Insights: NetReputation capitalized on GA Connector’s UTM tracking capabilities to optimize their spending on paid listings and partnerships.
  • Enhanced Sales and Lead Quality Insights: The insights provided by GA Connector enabled NetReputation to not only track but also evaluate the quality of leads, impacting their sales strategies positively.

Client Testimonial from NetReputation

  • Substantial Cost Savings: NetReputation estimated savings in the range of “hundreds of thousands of dollars, probably millions,” attributable to GA Connector’s detailed marketing insights.
  • Analytics-Driven Growth: Monthly traffic channel analytics, including the assessment of organic, paid, and referral traffic, have been pivotal in shaping NetReputation’s growth strategies.
  • Aspirations for Future Enhancements: They expressed interest in further expanding the use of GA Connector, especially for more in-depth organic keyword data and CRM integration.


This case study underscores the vital role of GA Connector in revolutionizing NetReputation’s marketing strategy. By providing comprehensive, actionable marketing data, GA Connector has been instrumental in enabling smarter, data-informed decisions, leading to substantial growth and cost savings for NetReputation.

Ready to transform your marketing strategies with data-driven insights?

Reach out to [email protected] and explore how our integration solutions can elevate your business to new heights of success.