Vtiger and Google Analytics Integration

See Your Most Profitable Marketing Channels in Vtiger

GA Connector makes Vtiger and Google Analytics work together to answer one of marketing biggest questions: where is my revenue really coming from?

Integrate Google Analytics with Vtiger to:

Go beyond metrics like traffic, leads and conversions.

Know which sources, campaigns and keywords are driving sales.

Easily measure your marketing ROI and double down on successful campaigns

How it works


Your website visitor comes to your website and fills out one of your web forms.


This integration code on your website identifies the source, medium and other Google Analytics information about this visitor.


When the form submission appears in your Vtiger, it already has Google Analytics information associated with it.

Example of Google Analytics data in Vtiger:

Discover How Leads Find You and
What They See Before Buying

Last Click Channel

Organic Search

Last Click Source


Last Click Medium


Last Click Referrer


First Click Channel


First Click Source


First Click Medium


First Click Referrer


Track Campaign, Keyword
and Channel Profitability

Last Click Term

(not provided)

Last Click Campaign

(not set)

Last Click Content

(not set)

Last Click Landing Page


First Click Term

buy steel new york

First Click Campaign


First Click Content


First Click Landing Page


See What Pages on Your Site are Closing Sales

Google Analytics Client ID


IP Address

Time Spent on Website


Number of Website Visits


Pages Visited


Pinpoint Your Best Leads' Location and Device



Operating System

MAC OS 10.13.1

City (from IP address)

New York

Country (from IP address)

United States

Time Zone


You can use Google Analytics data in Vtiger CRM to run reports that answer questions like:

Which marketing campaigns, keywords, ads etc produce the most qualified leads in Vtiger CRM?
Which traffic sources drive the most Closed Won opportunities?
Vtiger report

About Vtiger and Google Ads

About Vtiger

Vtiger is an out-of-the-box CRM solution that aims to keep all your customer relationship management in one place. It has a range of data-synching features and is currently used by over 30,000 successful businesses.

About Google Analytics

Google Analytics is the leading web analytics software that lets you analyze users's behavior on your website. It's an industry standard web analytics software with many advanced features and integrations.

Why GA Connector?

Track any traffic source, paid and organic

See first and last-click
data for each lead

Data is automatically imported to your CRM

We run a report once a quarter. That's it. One report. It saves us thousands of dollars. Which keywords are producing the most profitable customers? That's all. And then we adjust our campaigns.

—Steven Shaer
Consultant at Atlantic CRM

Trusted by Data-Driven Companies that Manage Profitable Marketing Campaigns

First Data
TATA Comvunications
Digital Marceting Institute


Ask more here

Can GA Connector track Adwords / SEO / Facebook / Organic / Bing / Etc.?

Yes. GA Connector is compatible with nearly every advertising service.

Is it safe/legal to track where my leads come from?

Absolutely. GA Connector is as safe and legal as using Google Analytics, or any other tracking software.

How reliable is the data I’ll be getting?

All the leads coming through your website are tracked using UTM parameters, referral information, IP data and Google-tested algorithms to determine the source for each user. Everything is linked to your CRM in real time, so there’s no data loss.

Do you provide support?

Of course! Our support team is always there to help you integrate GA Connector with your website and CRM.

Ask more here

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